City Government

Conway Springs, Kansas is a city of the 3rd class, and is a Mayor-Council composition.  The Conway Springs City Council is comprised of five council members (with one member voted by council to act as President) and a Mayor. Regular City Council meetings are held at 6:00pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at City Hall, special meetings are determined as needed. All meetings are open to the public, and recorded, aside from protected executive sessions allowed under State Law. Records requests can be made through City Hall.

This group of citizens leads with integrity, keeping the good of the whole community in the forefront of their decision making. Truly dedicated to the well-being and progress of Conway Springs, each council person brings their own perspective, personality and vision to each task, brainstorming together for one collected goal.  

Want to join our team? Contact City Hall for the election rotation and application process!

About Our Mayor

TJ Sones, Interim Mayor

Contact Mayor Sones directly:

Members of the current Governing Body:

Jan Wiseley, Council President 

Lori Gerber, Council Member

Sarah Mercer, Council Member 

Larry Roth, Council Member

Crystal Cotton, Interim Council Member