Things To Do

For a complete list of local businesses and organizations, click HERE

Recreation Commission

Activities for all ages! From softball to football, swimming to cheerleading, the CS Rec Commission works hard all year long to provide extracurricular activities for students and adults alike! Visit them HERE or on Facebook to stay up to date on all activities: 

Activities offered:

Become a coach, board member, referee, donor, supporter! Contact us for more details!

Development Foundation

CSDF partners with local business, leadership, and The Kansas Pride program to bring activities, entertainment, education and programs to all citizens of Conway Springs, young and old alike! From fitness programs, to art classes; benefit dinners/shows to community gardens, this donor funded volunteer organization aims to keep the community engaged and progressive by offering a variety of events and activities! Follow them on Facebook to keep up with them: 

Activities offered:

CS Rodeo & Arena Club

Find out more HERE

Fall Festival

Scheduled for September 23rd, 2023

Community Theater

2023 Season

Rising Stars

Find out more HERE

Bikers Battling Blazes

May 2, 2020


Boy Scouts

Conway Springs Farmers Market

Every Saturday May-October

The only one in the county!

Follow them HERE